Aknowledgement - Damage Control

The thank-you list is the happy moment to get to the end of the task!But also a fear: to forget (fatigue ...) someone (she) or someone (he)!
Excuse me in advance, just in case ...

The editing of this second exhibition at the connected museum ARMAN is in the vein of his way of doing things.
Just as much in the time given to demanding thought as the acceptance to go through the realization by adjusting to the unpredictable experience.

We met a great unpredictable: all those who gave us the time of their skill and experience to complete the project.
I decided on an alphabetical list for ease, but I wanted to say to all those "little hands" my deep gratitude.


For the Foundation Marion Moreau.



A big thank you full of respect to Ladies Éliane Radigue and Denyse Durand-Ruel.

To Renaud Bouchet and Marc Moreau


Agence Apocope

Alain Bizos

Christophe Cys Debeir

Olivier Cramer

Cécile Debray

Ghislaine Delubac

Anne Fernandez

Jean Ferrero

Cathy Koeppel

Thoma Lamb

Jean et Françoise Lavantes

Jérôme Lavantes

Patrice Masson

One Arty Minute


Renaud Soyer

Nadia Tijani

Juliette Weisbuch




Photographic copyrights


Home page photographs:

©Jean Ferrero.


Works photographs:

©Arman, ©Fondation A.R.M.A.N.©D.R., François Fernandez, ©David Reynolds, ©Adam Rzepka.


Other photographs:

©Arman, ©Fondation A.R.M.A.N.©D.R., ©Alain Bizos, ©Jean Ferrero.


We apologize to the authors who could not be identified.