Aknowledgement - Eternal Feminine
How can I show at the right measure my gratitude for this stunning trip to Terra Incognita: Connectivity…
An adventure field where solutions have had to be invented in order to pass the obstacles with this intense communion in the finding of solutions.
And this sharing concentrated with the whole world around ARMAN…
In order to remember: ARMAN IS STILL HERE.
Thank you, Cecile Debré and Rene Bouchet, for, everything.
For your attention in the demarcation of the way for me to narrate my father and to allow me to decide myself to offer theses memories of the man with regard to the Work.
And also for your competent reflexive engagement for the choice of this thorny subject, even polemic: Arman post 1970.
To show it is worth thinking about it.
Thank you, Patrice Masson and all his team “One Arty Minute”, for ALL those moments.
This pioneer project of digital translation to offer a live memory of Arman has been a wonderful saga.
Your cathedral builder’s determination has vanquished all the obstacles for the achievement: this ARMAN MUSEEUM.
The emotions of this shared journey will remain indefectible.
One Arty Minute create "catalogue raisonné"
Thank you to all those who had taken care of archiving the records for us to see and hear Arman, as closely as possible:
Dominik Rimbault
Jean Ferrero
Guy Ferrand
Pierre Marchou
To those who thought about it, who wrote Arman to allow us to keep on thinking about him (a long list of references is on it’s way and we wont miss diffusing it!)
Particularly, I would like to thank Madame Denyse Durand-Ruel who has been working tirelessly for the last 60 years on Arman’s work.
And Jean-Michel Bouhours who gave us to understand through the 2010 retrospective at Centre Pompidou.
Thank you to the companions of this step-by-step journey to find the rocks that constitute the resources.
Anne, in our common memory of him and through all of our lives, since the beginning and forever.
Our mother, Eliane, and, Micheline the friend of all times, to have accepted to relate their stories.
And also, my recognition goes to all the other women: they contributed to make Arman, what we like and what we can hate, nothing is to throw away.
Thank you to Maéva and Thoma, who have taken the relief with bravery and determination without failing regarding the care that is engaged for their grand father and his work.
Thank you to Daniel for his support and for the sharing of his memories in an accumulation of tenderness and laughter.
Thank you to François Fernandez who managed to forward us day and (late) night the images needed.
To Jacques Gorot, for his diligence in the reading of my texts in order to not lose myself in some shortcuts.
To all the team of the Fondation A.R.M.A.N. where everybody ceaselessly puts for Arman his or her competence, fidelity, protection and devotion.
To Ghislaine Delubac and her communication team of Apocope Agency.
To Christine Siméone.
The worst in a list of names, is the risk of forgetting someone because of the length of the trip, a demanding journey generating fatigue, but fortunately: the advantage of digital, is that we can update!
Therefore I thank in advance all those who will want to share their knowledge.
To keep on this trek.
Last but not least…
THANK YOU to Marc for being hand in hand during all this time, in this unfailing fidelity that I call, to signify it, his: “Arman Unconditional”.
Arman Museum is a connected museum.
It is in constant evolution of its sections.
Arman used to say: " we possess only what we give."
Every remark, information, archive, advice makes your wealth to share.
Contact us at: musee@fondation-arman.ch