1997 - Feb.

The series "Cascades" is exhibited at Ileana Sonnabend Galery in New York.

1997 - May

Two exhibitions of Interactives, one at the Gallery RL Beaubourg, Paris, France and one at the Galerie Yeh, Seoul, Korea.

1997 - June

Exhibitions « Accumulations in Relation » at James Mayor Gallery, London. And « Hidden Treasures » at Galerie Enrico Navarra, Paris.
The exhibition « Arman et l'Art Africain » travels from Marseille to Paris, continuing on to Germany, New York, South Africa, and United States, Dallas, Texas.


[emɛʁsjɔ̃] n.f. A mural cut on canvas. An emerging object completely covered with acrylic paint mimicking the color and texture of lava or mud.

1998 - January

Arman shows some works on paper for the Suisse organisation “L'Association des Amis”, Geneva, Switzerland. He makes lectures at l'Ecole des Arts Décoratifs, Paris.


[fʁaɡmɑ̃tasjɔ̃] n.f. A mural cut. The object is sliced up in series into 2, 4, 8… slices, then reconstituted on a background made of the same material or the same finish as that of the object.

1998 - January 16th. Hommage to Hypatia

A performance piece, “Hommage to Hypatia” (books scliced and then placed into a plexiglass container.) is presented at the “Maison de l’Europe” for the benefit of Amnesty International.


[tyb e kule syʁ skyltyʁ] n. An accumulation of tubes and pourings of paint on an object.

1998 - January 26th - Jeu de Paume

First Parisian retrospective in a museum, at the Musée du Jeu de Paume.

1998 - March 12th- Variations sur Lénine

Exhibition « Variations sur un Lenine » at the Patrice Trigano Gallery, Paris.
He prepares a model (accumulation of bathtubs) for the event "les Bassins mondiaux de l'eau" held in Valencia, Spain.
He works on a project for the new logo for ADC New Millennium spear headed by UNESCO.
New Emersions paintings are in progress.
He works on a project for an out door sculpture for the factory of the Société Degrenne, Matricielle” in Vire. He also designs pieces for their “tableware section”.

1999 - The year in brief

Unveiling Rampantes, a bronze Ferrari accumulation, at Imola racing circuit, Italy.
Drawings about Africa a exhibited at Galerie Valérie Cueto, Paris.
The retrospective held in the Musée du Jeu de Paume travels to Israel and Brazil.
Gerald Piltzer organizes in his Parisian Gallery the first exhibition of the series Emersion.


[sypɛʁpozisjɔ̃] n.f. Accumulation murale sur toile. Objets sur deux couches superposées, une sur le fond, l’autre sur une surface surélevée en Plexiglas, la composition se voit en transparence.


[fʁaɡmɑ̃] n.m. A reproduction of a portion of an object in stone, methacrylate or bronze.


2000 - June

Arman installs a “Motorcycle Fragmentation” from June 15th to July 28th at the Vallois Gallery in Paris. He works on a new series Superpositions.

2000 - July

Exhibition « Arman: La Traversée des Objets » at “Chateau de Ville Neuve”, Vence. At the same time, all of the books illustrated by Arman are presented at “la Chapelle des Pénitents-Blancs”, Vence.
« Arman », Museuo de Monterrey, Mexique.
« Arman: Racine Carrée de Fragments », Galerie Daniel Templon, Paris.
« Arman », National Museum of History, Taipei, China.


[ʒəte kɔlɛʁ] n.f. A mural rage on canvas. The highlights are made with squirts of paint.


[sypɛʁpozisjɔ̃ kˈʌlər skˈeɪlz] n.f. Superimposition of two monochromatic shades of colour and tubes (camaïeu).


[tʁiptik] n.m. An accumulation of three object transformation techniques on three media mounted on the same medium (i.e. Rage, Combustion, Slicing).


[tyb e kule syʁ ɔbʒɛ - kup] n. Application of tubes and pourings of paint on an object.

2001 - The year in brief

From December 20th 2000 to the 21st of March 2001, French institution “Le Couvent des Cordeliers” presents “Vingt Stations de l’objet” an exhibition in the form of a dialogue between Arman and Umberto Eco.
Exhibition of the Superpositions series at Guy Pieters Gallery, Knokke-le-Zoute, Belgium.
Exhibition of Sandwich-Combos series at Marlborough Gallery, New York.
The first retrospective of Arman in his native city is organised in the “Musée d’Art moderne et d’Art contemporain (MAMAC)”: “Arman: Passage à l’Acte”, Nice, France.